Meteor Phoenix

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Female Elf Ranger level 5

EXP:11753/15000 to level 6

Chaotic Good

Medium size, 5'5" tall, 150 pounds

Pale skin with violet eyes and orange hair

Ability scores

Str 17 (+3)
Dex 20 (+5)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 13 (+1)
* +1 luck bonus to ability checks

34 hp out of 34


30 feet base land speed

Languages: Common, Elven, Dragonic, Slyvan


Initiative modifier:   +5 =          +5 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:        +6 = 4 [base] +1 [constitution] +1 [luck]
Reflex save:          +10 = 4 [base] +5 [dexterity]    +1 [luck]
Will save:             +5 = 1 [base] +3 [wisdom]       +1 [luck]
Attack (handheld):     +8 = 5 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):      +8 = 5 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile):  +11-12 = 5 [base] +5 [dexterity]    +1 [if range<30] +1 [if not using defending] ***
Grapple check:         +8 = 5 [base] +3 [strength] 


17 AC
15 touch AC
12 flat-footed AC


* dagger                         1d4, (19-20) 2x, 10 feet, pierce/slashing
* masterwork +3 rating compound longbow (+1 to attack rolls, 3 to damage) 
                                 1d8, 3x, 110 ft range, 10 increments, piercing
* defending +1 masterwork +2 rating compound longbow (+2 to attack rolls, 3 to damage) 
                                 1d8+1, 3x, 110 ft range, 10 increments, piercing
  * 93 arrows
* rapier                         1d6, (18-20) 2x, piercing
* scimitar                       1d6, (18-20) 2x, slashing
* leather armor                  +2 ac, no penalty, 6 max dex bonus
* backpack                       2 gp    2 lb
* bedroll                        1 sp    5 lb
* 10 caltrops                   10 gp   20 lb
* flint and steel                1 gp    -
* grappling hook                 1 gp    4 lb
* sack                           1 sp  1/2 lb
* silk rope (100 ft)            20 gp   10 lb
* spade                          2 gp    8 lb
* 2 days of trail rations        1 gp    2 lb
* waterskin                      1 gp    4 lb
* belt pouch
* masterwork thieves' tools
* everburning torch              110 gp  1 lb
* 2 tanglefoot bag               100 gp  8 lb
* potion of cure light wounds +2  50 gp  something or other.
* stone of good luck             20K gp  [1]
* traveler's outfit              1 gp   5 lb (unsure if weight counts, not counted for now)
* two short swords

5368 gp 128 sp 30725 cp total weight: ???

Light load:      86 lb. or less
Medium load:     87-173 lb.
Heavy load:      174-260 lb.
Lift over head:  260 lb.
Lift off ground: 520 lb.
Push or drag:    1300 lb.


* Light horse
* 20 hp out of 20
* +1 init
* 50 ft
* 13 AC (-1 size, +1 dex, +3 natural), 10 touch, 13 flat-footed
* +2 base/+9 grapple
* hoof -1 melee (1d6+1 half str)
* full attack: 2 hooves -1 melee (1d6+1)
* 10 ft space, 5 ft range
* low light vision, scent
* +5 fort, +4 ref, +2 will
* 16 str, 13 dex, 15 con, 2 int, 12 wis, 6 cha
* +4 listen, +4 spot
* Endurance, run (5x while light, 4x while medium/heavy)
* 200 light, 400 med, 600 heavy, push/drag 3000
* Deceased
* Snow owl
* 5 hp out of 5
* magical beast
* 4 str(-3), 16 dex(+3), 10 con, 3 int(-4), 12 wis(+1), 5 cha(-3)
* +3 init
* 10ft/40 ft flying (average)
* 19 AC, 15 touch, 16 flat-footed
* +2 fort, +5 ref, +2 will
* talons -5 melee (1d4-3)
* +0/-11
* +9 listen, +13 move silently, +13 spot (+8 more in shadowy areas)
* low light vision, link, share spells, darkvision 60 ft
* weapon finesse
* automatically down in fights
* resistance to fire 5


1 level 1 spell available per day
10+spell level+wis=save DC


Point Blank Shot             +1 to attack and damage rolls within 30 feet
Track                        can use survival to track someone
Wild Empathy                 can improve the attitude of animals
Rapid Shot                   extra attack per round (full round action) at -2 of base attack.
Endurance                    +4 swim for nonlethal, nonlethal from forced march, starvation, thirst, fort save for nonlethal from
                             hot or cold environments, suffocation, sleep in light or med without being fatigued.
Diehard                      Autostable below 0 hp, possibility of movement/standard action, -1 hp if strenuous activity


   Appraise        |Int |   2 = +2
   Balance         |Dex*|   5 = +5
   Bluff+          |Cha |   1 = +1
   Climb           |Str*|   3 = +3
   Concentration   |Con |  +1 = +1
   Craft 1         |Int |   2 = +2
   Craft 2         |Int |   2 = +2
   Craft 3         |Int |   2 = +2
   Diplomacy       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Disguise        |Cha |   1 = +1
   Escape Artist   |Dex*|   5 = +5
   Forgery         |Int |   2 = +2
   Gather Info     |Cha |   1 = +1
   Handle Animal   |Cha |   3 = +1 +2
   Heal            |Wis |   3 = +3
   Hide            |Dex*|  13 = +5 +8
   Intimidate      |Cha |   1 = +1
   Jump            |Str*|   3 = +3
   Knowledge (dun) |Int |   4 = +2 +2
   Knowledge (geo) |Int |   8 = +2 +6
   Knowledge (nat) |Int |   8 = +2 +6
   Listen+         |Wis |  13 = +3 +8 +2 [elf]
   Move Silently   |Dex*|  13 = +5 +8
   Perform 1       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Perform 2       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Ride            |Dex |   5 = +5
   Search          |Int |  12 = +2 +8 +2 [elf]
   Sense Motive+   |Wis |   3 = +3
   Spot+           |Wis |  13 = +3 +8 +2 [elf]
   Survival+       |Wis |  11 = +3 +8 	            (when tracking favored, +2)
   Swim            |Str*|   3 = +3
   Use Rope        |Dex |   5 = +5
  • =check penalty for wearing armor, double for swim

+=favored enemy bonus

    • remember synergies
      • +1 luck bonus on all skill checks

Special race traits


   * +2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)
   * Immune to magical sleep
   * +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
   * Low-light vision
   * Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow
   * +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks
   * Notice secret doors

Class traits


   * Favored enemies
   * Track as bonus feat (already included)
   * Combat Style
   * Wild empathy (roll + level + charisma bonus to influence animals)
   * Endurance (level 3)
   * Animal Companion (level 4)
   * Woodland Stride (level 7)
   * Swift Tracker (level 8)
   * Evasion (level 9)
   * Camouflage (level 13)
   * Hide in Plain Sight (level 17)
   * High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
   * Always knows which way is North

Favored Enemies:

   * Dragons +4
   * Magical Beast +2

OB's Campaign



Owned by Meteor Phoenix

Male Elf Ranger level 3

EXP:3450/6000 to level 4

Chaotic Good

Medium size, 5 feet tall, 120 pounds

Pale skin with emerald eyes and silvery hair

Ability scores

Str 16 (+3)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con  8 (-1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 13 (+1)

16 out of 16 hp

30 feet base land speed

Languages: Common, Elven, Dragonic, Slyvan


Initiative modifier:   +4 =          +4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:        +2 = 3 [base] -1 [constitution]
Reflex save:           +7 = 3 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save:             +4 = 1 [base] +3 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):     +6 = 3 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):      +6 = 3 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile):      +7 = 3 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Grapple check:         +6 = 3 [base] +3 [strength] 


14 AC
14 touch AC
10 flat-footed AC


* Shortbow: 1d6 damage, 3x critical, 60 ft range, pierce
   * 98 arrows
* Dagger 1d4 damage, 2x critical (19-20) 5 ft range
* Dagger 1d4 damage, 2x critical (19-20) 5 ft range
* 4 days worth of travel rations
* shards of longsword
* 1 cure light wounds
* small chest

7 gold pieces, 9 silver pieces
50 foot roll of twine minus what was used for the bow
Light load:      76 lb. or less
Medium load:     77-153 lb.
Heavy load:      154-230 lb.
Lift over head:  230 lb.
Lift off ground: 460 lb.
Push or drag:    1150 lb.


Point Blank Shot             +1 to attack and damage rolls within 30 feet
Track                        can use survival to track someone
Wild Empathy                 can improve the attitude of animals
Rapid Shot                   extra attack per round (full round action) at -2 of base attack.
Endurance                    +4 swim for nonlethal, nonlethal from forced march, starvation, thirst, fort save for nonlethal from
                             hot or cold environments, suffocation, sleep in light or med without being fatigued.
Diehard                      Autostable below 0 hp, possibility of movement/standard action, -1 if strenuous activity


   Appraise        |Int |   2 = +2
   Balance         |Dex*|   4 = +4
   Bluff+          |Cha |   1 = +1
   Climb           |Str*|   3 = +3
   Concentration   |Con |  -1 = -1
   Craft 1         |Int |   2 = +2
   Craft 2         |Int |   2 = +2
   Craft 3         |Int |   2 = +2
   Diplomacy       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Disguise        |Cha |   1 = +1
   Escape Artist   |Dex*|   4 = +4
   Forgery         |Int |   2 = +2
   Gather Info     |Cha |   1 = +1
   Heal            |Wis |   3 = +3
   Hide            |Dex*|  10 = +4 +6
   Intimidate      |Cha |   1 = +1
   Jump            |Str*|   3 = +3
   Knowledge (geo) |Int |   8 = +2 +6
   Knowledge (nat) |Int |   8 = +2 +6
   Listen+         |Wis |  11 = +3 +6 +2 [elf]
   Move Silently   |Dex*|  10 = +4 +6
   Perform 1       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Perform 2       |Cha |   1 = +1
   Ride            |Dex |   4 = +4
   Search          |Int |  10 = +2 +6 +2 [elf]
   Sense Motive+   |Wis |   3 = +3
   Spot+           |Wis |  11 = +3 +6 +2 [elf]
   Survival+       |Wis |   9 = +3 +6 	            (when tracking favored, +2)
   Swim            |Str*|   3 = +3
   Use Rope        |Dex |   4 = +4
  • =check penalty for wearing armor, double for swim

+=favored enemy bonus

Special race traits


   * +2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)
   * Immune to magical sleep
   * +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
   * Low-light vision
   * Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow
   * +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks
   * Notice secret doors

Class traits


   * Favored enemies
   * Track as bonus feat (already included)
   * Combat Style
   * Wild empathy (roll + level + charisma bonus to influence animals)
   * Endurance (level 3)
   * Animal Companion (level 4)
   * Woodland Stride (level 7)
   * Swift Tracker (level 8)
   * Evasion (level 9)
   * Camouflage (level 13)
   * Hide in Plain Sight (level 17)
   * High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
   * Always knows which way is North

Favored Enemies:

   * Dragons +2