The difficulty of completing certain tasks as a shifter.
Chameleon Powers | ||||
Change | Partial surface | Full surface | Observation | Medical scan |
Skin Colour | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 |
Eye Colour | - | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Hair Colour | 8 | 12 | 16 | 24 |
Features | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
Gender | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 |
Descriptions of Above Terms
- Change: The type of change attempted.
- Partial surface: Change occurs in small areas such as hands or face, or are only minor changes such as reshaping the nose. Only fools casual observation. (Difficulty 5 to 10 to spot.)
- Full surface: Change occurs over large areas or is a major change such as altering height or build. Medical scans won't be fooled, though a quick Lil' Angel roll (dificulty 10 or more) could convince doctors that their machine is wrong.
- Observation: Changes are extensive enough to fool any scan short of a hospital's. Doctors performing this kind of exam cannot be swayed by cute little children.
- Medical Scan: Changes occur on the genetic level and cannot be spotted as unnatural. ("What have you been smoking? Girls don't change into boys without major medical facilities. Besides, where would she have gotten a pair of...")
- Skin Color: Changes of skin tone (white to black) and other epidermal changes including fingerprint changes (roll for each finger) and sunburn effects (always have the perfect tan!)
- Eye Color: Changes made to the eyes and surrounding facial structure. The shifter can simulate near or far sightedness, or alter iris colors, or the shape of the eyes (appearing Oriental, European, Asian, etc.) Retinal changes can be made at double difficulty.
- Hair Color: Changes hair pigmentation, length, curl, and even thickness. Can also fix (or cause) split ends and dandruff. Also applies to other body hair seperately (though the GM may not want to mention this... let the players find out the hard way.) A talented Chameleon never needs to shave.
- Features: Changes apply to physical structure such as mass and height as well as facial features. Shifters can change mass and height by up to 5% of their original size. For example a 5 foot, 100 pound Shifter could grow or shrink up to 3 inches, and gain or loose up to 5 pounds. Height and mass changes take 3 times as long as other shifts.
- Gender: Changes from male to female or vice versa. Note that the Shifter must have an accurate idea of what the opposite gender should look like. GM decides how complete these changes can be. (Is it just appearance? Or would hormonal effects occur?)
- Shifting takes time. A minimum of 1 minute is needed for each limb, and 2 or more minutes are requires for the torso. Average time is difficulty minus skill in minutes, with adjustments noted above.
- A Chameleon can 'imprint' patterns. These can be as simple as a different hair style to as complex as a different person. Each pattern can have as many shifts as the Chameleon's Int. Imprinted patterns can be assumed in half the time or at half dificulty. Using 2 imprint 'slots' for the same pattern would allow both effects. A Shifter can imprint 1 pattern per point of Int.
Taken from here