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Saravus Strakeln

Male Dwarf Paladin 3
Lawful Good
Representing Nayab
'Probational Guard'
Quest: The Warden's Responsibility
Size: Medium
Height: 4' 0"
Weight: 1426 lb
Skin: Light Brown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Grey Straight; Short Beard
Age: 50 years
Languages: Dwarven, Common


Growing up in a small dwarven community where everyone was family, the safety ended one day when an orcish raiding party attacked. With the help of his father, Saravus escaped the death of his community. He was found by a human paladin who had come to investigate stories of the slaughter. The paladin recognised the traits of a paladin within Saravus, and took him as a squire. After a decade, the paladin believed Saravus was ready to continue his own quest. Departing one day, he left Saravus at a temple of the Soul Forger, god of the Dwarves. Saravus pledged his service to the Soul Forger and vowed to avenge the death of his community. He came across them one day in the side streets of this unknown city. After a brief fight, the orcs fled. Saravus chased after them, leaving destruction in his wake. When the guards caught up with them, they swiftly killed the orcs but arrested Saravus, stripping him of what little he had before depositing him within one of the prisons stone cells.

Hit Points

Total Hit Points: 35 
Current HP: 35

Ability Scores

Str:  12 (+1)
Dex:  9 (-1)
Con:  20  (+5)
Int:  14 (+2)
Wis:  12 (+1)
Cha:  12 (+1)


Armor Class: 14 = 10 +4 [armour] -1 [dexterity] +1 [shield]
Touch AC: 10
Flat-footed: 15
Speed: 20 feet


Initiative modifier:   -1 = -1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:        +8 = 3 [base] +5 [constitution] +1 [charisma]
Reflex save:	       +1 = +1 [base] -1 [dexterity] +1 [charisma]
Will save:	       +3 = +1 [base] +1 [wisdom] +1 [charisma]
Attack (handheld):     +4 = 3 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):      +4 = 3 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile):      +2 = 3 [base] -1 [dexterity]
Grapple check:	       +4 = 3 [base] +1 [strength]


Level # |  Class  |  HP rolled | Total Exp
Level 3 |  Paladin  | 20  HP | 3000


Light load:  43 lb. or less
Medium load: 44-86 lb.
Heavy load:  87-130 lb.
Current Equipment: 
Gold:0 Silver:0 Copper:0
Unequipped Equipment:


Improved Shield Bash (retains AC boost while shield bashing)
Combat Expertise (trade attack bonus for dodge bonus to AC up to 5)


Skill Name Untrained | Key Ability | Skill Modifier (Total) = +Ability Modifier +Ranks +Misc. Modifier
Appraise	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2		
Balance	Yes	|DEX*|	-1=	-1		
Bluff	Yes	|CHA|	1=	+1		
Climb	Yes	|STR*|	1=	+1		
Concentration	Yes	|CON|	5=	+5		
Craft (?)	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2		
Craft (?)	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2		
Craft (?)	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2				
Diplomacy	Yes	|CHA|	6=	+1	+1	+4	
Disguise	Yes	|CHA|	1=	+1		
Escape Artist	Yes	|DEX*|	-1=	-1		
Forgery	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2		
Gather Info	Yes	|CHA|	1=	+1		
Handle Animal	No	|CHA|	6=	+1	+5	
Heal	Yes	|WIS|	2=	+1	+1	
Hide	Yes	|DEX*|	-1=	-1		
Intimidate	Yes	|CHA|	1=	+1		
Jump	Yes	|STR*|	1=	+1		
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)	No	|INT|	7=	+2	+5	
Knowledge (Religion)	No	|INT|	4=	+2	+2			
Listen	Yes	|WIS|	1=	+1	
Move Silently	Yes	|DEX*|	-1=	-1				
Perform (?)	Yes	|CHA|	1=	+1				
Profession (?)	No	|WIS|	1=	+1				
Ride	Yes	|DEX|	2=	-1 +1 +2		
Search	Yes	|INT|	2=	+2		
Sense Motive	Yes	|WIS|	6=	+1	+5			
Spot	Yes	|WIS|	1=	+1		
Survival	Yes	|WIS|	3=	+1	+2	
Swim	Yes	|STR**|	1=	+1				
Use Rope	Yes	DEX	-1=	-1				

  • = check penalty for wearing armor

Dwarf Traits

* Can move at base land speed in medium/heavy armor or carrying a medium/heavy load
* +2 racial bonus to saves vs. poisons
* +2 racial bonus to saves vs. spells and spell like effects
* +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks related to stone or metal items
* +2 racial bonus on Craft checks related to stone or metal items
* +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids
* +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against Giants unless caught flat-footed
* Dark vision
* Weapon Familiarity: Treats dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons
* Stonecunning: +2 racial bonus on search checks to notice unusual stonework. If come within 10 feet, can roll a search check as though actively searching.
* Stability: +4 bonus on Ability Checks against being bull rushed or tripped while standing on the ground

Paladin Traits

* Weapon and Armor Proficiency: proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor and with shields (except tower shields)
* Aura of Good
* Detect Evil
* Smite Evil 1/day adds charisma bonus to attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. Has no effect on non evil enemies but still uses the skill.
* Divine Grace bonus to equal to charisma bonus on all saving throws
* Lay on Hands Charisma of 12 or higher can heal wounds by touch. Heal a total of HP equal to paladin level * Charisma bonus. Can be divided as wished, standard action.
* Lay on Hands May also be used as a melee touch attack against undead, the allotment of damage is decided after the attack succeeds. No opportunity attack provoked.
* Aura of Courage Immune to fear. Each ally within 10ft gets a +4 morale bonus on saving throws while the paladin is concious
* Divine Health Immunity to all diseases