Receptor® Brand SmartCards

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Equipment: Receptor® Brand SmartCards
Smartcards are a cross between V-terms and simple AI systems. They contain the same credit card-sized wafer of supercapacitors, nanocircuits and solar cells, but no Virtuality interfacing (they are also thinner because of this). Instead, each one contains a relatively stupid AI program called an Expert system, dedicated to performing one task very well. They are programmed by the individual manufacturers (SmartCards cannot be constructed in microfactories). SmartCards are used to open doors, run decryptors, store finnancial information, or work as Virtuality and Net code dialers. They are activated/deactivated by flicking the top left corner with a finger.
Cost:   Quantity:   SDP:   Range:   AR:   Speed:  
Type Cost
Personal Door Lock $20.00
BankCard $30.00
Dialer Unit $10.00
4 Language Translator (you pick the four) $40.00
Business Rolodex $20.00
Personal DataAssistant $100.00
Auto-Factory Keycard $100.00