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Al S. Harpton

Owned by King

Male Human Cleric 1 (Nerull)

Neutral Evil

med, 6', 160


Morningstar 1d8 Damage x2 crit Bludgeoning and piercing 6lbs
Wooden Holy Symbol Weight-Negligible

Ability scores

Str 10 (+0)
Dex  9 (-1)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 16 (+3)

9 hp out of 9

30 base land speed

Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal


Domains: Trickery - Add Bluff, Disguise, and Hide to your list of cleric class skills.
         Evil     - You cast evil spells at +1 caster level.
Energy: Negative [Inflict / Rebuke Undead]


Initiative modifier: -1 = -1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:      +3 =  2 [base] +1 [constitution]
Reflex save:         -1 =  0 [base] -1 [dexterity]
Will save:           +5 =  2 [base] +3 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):   +0 =  0 [base] +0 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):    +0 =  0 [base] +0 [strength]
Attack (missile):    -1 =  0 [base] -1 [dexterity]
Grapple check:       +0 =  0 [base] +0 [strength]


Armor Class: 9 = 10 - 1 [Dex]
Touch AC:    9
Flat-footed: 9


Light load:      33 lb. or less
Medium load:     66 lb.
Max Load:        100 lb.
Lift over head:  100 lb.
Lift off ground: 200 lb.
Push or drag:    500 lb.


Skill Focus Concentration           +3 Bonus on Concentration checks
Extra Turning                       4 extra turning attempts a day


   Bluff                |Cha  | +7 = 4 |+3 
   Concentration        |Con  | +8 = 4 |+1 +3
   Diplomacy            |Cha  | +7 = 4 |+3 
   Disguise             |Cha  | +5 = 2 |+3
   Heal                 |Wis  | +7 = 4 |+3
   Hide                 |Dex* | -1 = 0 |-1 
   Knowledge (religion) |Int  |  3 = 1 |+2 
   Spellcraft           |Int  | +3 = 1 |+2

  • = check penalty for wearing armor

Prepared Spells

   0         1                 D
   Light    |Entropic Shield |Disguise Self
Detect Magic|Magic Weapon    |
 Resistance |

Spells Per Day

   0   1   D
   3   2   1


  3+3+4 per day

Special Race Traits


   * Extra feat at first level (already included)
   * Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
   * One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)

Class Traits


   * Alignment Aura
   * Spontaneous Casting (Inflict)
   * Rebuke Undead (5x/day)
   * High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
   * Domain choices give additional abilities
