How To Role Play

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In most all role-playing games, a necessary talent to be able to play the game is the ability to role play.

Role Playing means you live out the character's actions, emotions, and desires. The character must have a personality, a background, goals, wishes, likes, dislikes, quirks, and anything that comes along with being a person in a whole other world.

Some basic rules to follow in the world of Dungeons & Dragons and CyberGeneration and any other role-playing environment:

  1. The DM* is in CHARGE. What he says goes, without question, and arousing his temper can bring about terrible consequences. Do not arouse the wrath of GOD.
  2. Your character is limited in his or her actions. Never take for granted that you will succeed in an action, and realize that you will NEVER be role-playing any sort of all powerful being - there are always limits. For example:
    • Teleporting. This is when you say "(character) walks to New York from Canada," or any other jump of distance that cannot take place within a very brief period of time. If you want to walk 2 blocks away, say you are HEADING in that direction, and take the time in the roleplay necessary to walk the distance.
    • Fighting. For example, when you fire a gun, you do not say "(character) shoots NPC in the head." This gives no option for missing, or mis-aiming, misfiring, etc. - instead, say "(character) takes aim and fires at NPC." This allows for any occurance that could happen, and does not assume automatic success.
    • Limitations within abilities. Often, players are given abilities within the game - being able to fight particularly well, or even so far as manipulation of matter. Consider this: You are not being given MASTERY over this ability, but a familiarity with it. For example, someone who can fight particularly well will not necessarily win a fight with someone more physically powerful, nor are they guaranteed to beat up a blackbelt; similarly, someone who can manipulate matter probably can't create a miniature sun, but may find themselves capable of turning water into ice.

The basic rule here is if you are unsure, ask the DM. It is his job to visualize this role-playing environment around you, to remind you of your capabilities, and to facilitate your experience. That being said, NEVER over-agitate the DM with a constant need for his attention. Actually take the time to role-play within the world, and try to rely on your RP'ing ability as much as possible, calling on the advice and information of the DM when needed. This will make the experience much better for both parties.

  • DM and GM are interchangable. DM is the acronym used to describe the Dungeon Master from old D&D, but has come to mean the "god" controlling the game. GM means the Game Master, and is also used to describe the "god" controlling the game.
  • In combat, EVERYTHING works in rounds, and order of rounds is based on initiative rolls. Note: When I say everything, I mean *everything*, combat related or not.